
With Bill Bowen, 2014
Anam Cara Therapy Center
2915 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Berkeley, CA 94703
I began studying somatic psychotherapy in 1997. In 2002 I completed a Master’s degree in somatic psychology counseling from the California Institute of Integral Studies. That summer I met Bill Bowen who would become my teacher and mentor for 14 years, until his death in 2016. His teachings, called Psycho-Physical Therapy, are the heart and foundation of my work. He is deeply missed.
I draw on many sources in my work, including the principles and techniques of traditional Hakomi, theories of intersubjectivity and adult attachment theory, the development of sensory awareness, authentic relating, and trauma resolution. My practice is multi-cultural and LGBTQ-friendly. I welcome and work directly with the impact of the social and political dimensions on all our lives.
I enjoy facilitating groups and teaching. I practiced therapeutic massage for 25 years, and taught massage at the National Holistic Institute. I taught introductory experiential anatomy and physiology at JFKU, CIIS, and COVA elementary school in Oakland. Way back in the early-mid 1990's I facilitated social skills-building groups for teenagers for a number of years in S.F. Community Day Schools through the Center for Human Development.
Introductory Anatomy & Physiology: Three objectives for my anatomy and physiology class were for students to enjoy soaking up an immense number of basic terms and concepts, to gain insight into the way each system interacts with all the other systems, and to be inspired to continue a life-long journey of understanding the amazing functions of the body.
Writing is a passion. I work to translate important academic concepts from psychology to be more accessible to more people. I have been working on a book for the past 8 years that centers on hidden obstacles to authenticity, and includes commentary on the field of psychotherapy and the training of therapists. See here for articles by Marenka.